Perseverence Trail to Ebner Falls
June 29, 2000

This was my first full day in Juneau. I walked from town up Basin Road to the head of Perseverence trail. Several trails, including Mt. Juneau and Granite Creek trails, come off of Perseverence trail which was originally a mining trail. You can occassionally see old rusty mining equipment near the trail.

Part of the way up up the trail there is a memorial cross for Ben Blackgoat who fell off the trail while jogging I think during the winter and wasn't found until too late (Just looked that up on the Internet, apparently it happened in November 1996). They had a memorial run while I was in Juneau, but I did not participate.

There are a couple of falls along the creek, I am not certain which is the one they call Ebner Falls. Perhaps both of them are included in that designation.


Granite Creek
First Falls
Second Falls
Memorial Cross
A geranium
