Connor and Rowan Tell Their Stories Tales of growing up in Sitka, Alaska

August 30, 2007

Today I Writed about Everything I know about

Filed under: Nature — Rowan @ 6:07 pm

You know I want to learn about Robins because I saw some, but I really love blue birds. You know what I want to do? I want to pet birds that are friendly. I want to do something that is really nice. Sometimes I want to take care of babies when the mommy and daddy is gone. And something on the other morning I wanted to see. I saw something the other day that was big and had polka dots on it, and I wanted dad to take pictures of it, but it flew away very far. And dad told me it was a Northern Flicker. I know about bird nestes and birds, and sometimes I know about bird nestes and birds.

Dad got me an orange shell, I know about, but something I like shells that are pretty. I like rainbow shells. Rainbow shells are exciting to see and I never saw one before. I saw one and I wanted to take it home. And something I like is everything that is pretty and something that I know about.

1 Comment »

  1. I like robins too – and when I was in elementary school – a long time ago – I painted a picture of a robin on a piece of wood cut out to look like a teapot that had hooks on it to hang pot holders. I gave it to my mom for a present. She put it in her kitchen and kept it. I have it back now – need to find it so I can show it to you the next time you come to visit.

    Comment by Grams — August 30, 2007 @ 8:15 pm

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