Having been in Sitka for the better part of a week, it seemed like a good time to get out and go on a longer camping/hiking trip. The last time I was up Starrigavan Ridge was two years ago and I was interested in going out there again. I figured we could hike back along the ridge and then down into Katlian or, if the weather was nice, try and make it into the Sisters or back to Harbor-Gavan Ridge, in any case, it seemed like a good place to go. Walt and Charlotte Edgar had mentioned to my brother and me that they would like some help with their computer. Since they live out near Starrigavan, that seemed like a good way to get out the road.

Walt dropped us off at the end of the road sometime after 7pm and we headed into the woods with our packs. Not too far into the woods, we saw a various trees which had the numbers 1 through 9 spray painted on them. There were a couple of different groups of these trees. I later found out that they were probably trees which were used to test the tree measuring skills of new forest service employees. With the late start and the relatively heavy packs, I did not expect to make it up to the ridge top (to be continued...)


Southeast Alaska Orthopedic Footwear
Baby Bear Lake
View from Bivibag
Looking Back Down on Baby Bear Lake
Jonathan on Ridge
Pond Below Peak 2875
Alaska Saxifrage Flower
Alaska Saxifrage Flower
Unknown Pink Flower
Tall Mountain Shootingstar
Pond Below Peak 2875
Partridgefoot Flowers
Partridgefoot Leaves
Starrigavan Ridge Pond and Mt. Edgecumbe
Yellow Mountain Heather
Pond Below 2875 and Mt. Edgecumbe
Mt. Edgecumbe
Trail Flags

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