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No More!
This is Jill, we worked in the same office for part of the summer. She and Shawn (a high school kid who also worked in that office) were the only two of around ten people who tried to eat a Big Jud by themselves (everyone else split up, two to a burger). Jill was only a few bites away from finishing the burger, but gave up. Shawn finished the burger without too much of a problem, though he did not finish his fries. He did eat a larger ice cream cone though. So of that party, only Shawn is destined to have his picture displayed. They also have a Double Big Jud (two pounds) and a separate wall of pictures for that feat. There were actually quite a few people on the double wall many of whom didn't look like they should be able to finish off a single let alone a double.

Location: Big Jud's

Previous: A few more bites