Previous: Hanging Spider
Next: Bears
Home / Photojournal / Summer 2002
While I was taking pictures of this spider a bear wandered into the area. It was probably around 15 yards away when I saw it. It was just standing there looking at me, even after I spoke loudly to it to make sure it knew I was there. In my previous experience with bears, they generally ran away when they saw that people were around, but perhaps this one was a bit jaded. Before I had started on the hike Evan recommended barking like a dog in the case of a bear encounter. I barked a few times and it turned around and walked away. However, as I was barking I heard a loud *HUFF* from behind me. As soon as the bear was out of sight, I decided it would be a good idea to head back up the trail.

Location: Haines, Alaska

Previous: Hanging Spider
Next: Bears