I caught a butterfly and it was not a cabbage white. We caught it in the air with our butterfly nets. We put it in a jar with flower pedals – that was how it was so pretty. It had spots on its wings – only two spots.
June 22, 2010
I caught a butterfly
Perch Fun
At Carey Lake we went fishing in a skiff and fishing was AWESOME! We caught lots of perch. We trolled and trolled and got lots of fish and we tied up to toolies and caught lots of perch.
June 17, 2010
The Painted Lady
My brother caught a painted lady. The reason I could tell was because the color and we had them before.
June 16, 2010
Fishing Fun
This is the first fish I cot at CJ Strike the rest of the time I have had no luck. I got some more fish after that one and some of them we could keep to eat. They were as delicious as a piece of pie. The end.
My tooth is loose
When I was eating corn on the cob my tooth starting hurting and it was very very wiggly. It is my front tooth on the top.
June 11, 2010
zoo adventure
we went to the zoo and I saw all sorts of animals: elk and goats and my most favorite animal was the moose. I have never seen a moose before in my life. It was amazing.
i cot a perch at C J Strike and it was a big perch. I cot it by bobber fishing. It bent my pole down very far. And Connor netted it.
June 9, 2010
Me and a Dress
I got a dress from a place like the White E. It was white and it had white flowers on it. And I liked it very much.
Golden trout
the picture is about the golden trout it was my favorite trout to catch wen i went fishing .