I cot 4 pink salmon early in the morning grampa had to wade in the ocean to catch pink salmon because they were so far out. Then on the day before Grandpa and Grams left, we cot a chum salmon. It fought harder and harder and then we finally got it in. The picture is of the chum salmon. The End.
August 17, 2009
Lucky Morning
August 7, 2009
Tieing flies
I tied four flies and the third one came out just like grandpa’s. And I used one of the hooks – the one that doesn’t have a fly on it – for a herring rod. And the others are going to be used for fly fishing. I going to send one down to Idaho to my grandpa to use. I learned to tie flies by watching grandpa.
The shelf
I made a shelf . It took me a long time to make the shelf. I used 2 boards, 4 2by4s, and 12 screws. It is used for shoes.