Connor and Rowan Tell Their Stories Tales of growing up in Sitka, Alaska

April 6, 2008

I went to Preschool

Filed under: Playing — Rowan @ 5:27 pm

I went to preschool. I had fun. I went to preschool went it was morning and it was morning and I don’t have preschool now, but I’m having fun at home. It’s snowing and I like snow and I had fun in the snow when it was snow time and i got to wear my snow pants and my snow boots and got to wear a coat. I liked playing outside to and I really liked to do that and I really, really liked it. Snow is snowing now, and it was raining before, been snowing for a long long time. It came to a stop and it was coming and now all the crocuses are blooming and we saw some before and now they’re closed, and some of them are opened. I just liked it when it was spring and now it’s snowing again and it’s going to get spring soon. I seem to have fun at preschool. I just like it when I’m at preschool too. I go to preschool again until my preschool stops we haved a bath today. I liked reading books when I was at school, I wanted to be with my mom but she’s at Market Center now. I like to have fun at preschool and mom just have to go to Market Center to get some food. I just like to have it really good, because I like food. Mom says we have to eat healthy food, healthy water is really healthy for us and milk is healthy for us and all the stuff we eat is healthy for us, and that is what we do. We eat what we eat. We eat, eat, eat, but I liked my doing stuff but I just like to have it and i really like to have fun at preschool. I just like to have preschool, and it’s really fun to be at preschool, and it’s really, really fun to be at preschool, and mom’s at Market Center right now and I really like to have fun at preschool. I like to have fun and it’s really good to have fun at preschool and it looks fun at preschool and I get to play with my kids, and we’re going on a boat trip someday.

The Birds of Prey Story

Filed under: Nature — Connor @ 5:18 pm

Owl Feathers

I saw some Western Screech-Owl feathers and I found them under a tree log that was flat on top. Underneath it was some owl feathers. Owls eat mice and rats and rabbits. Some owls hunt at night like the Western and Great and Barred Owl. The Snowy Owl and the Barn Owl hunt at morning. Owls are really special to me because they eat mice and rats and rabbits. That helps us live.

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